Polar Vortex Sunrise (1)
The "Polar Vortex" winter of 2013-14 was the coldest in Chicago's history. One of the few upsides was that the crystalline atmosphere combined with the ice cover of Lake Michigan to produce spectacular sunrises with an almost otherworldly effect.


In fact, that winter's frigid temperatures and the ice on Lake Michigan produced a series of blazing sunrise landscapes. (3)

Happy Birthday Sunrise
This pure beauty greeted me on the morning of Nov. 14, 2013 — my birthday. (4)

The Valentine's Day... Sunrise
This spectacular greeted us on Feb. 14, 2016. The painterly colors splashed across the sky. A bank of mammatus clouds catching the morning light upper right. And those wisps of steam on the horizon mark an electricity generating station in Michigan City, Indiana — 40 miles away! (5)

We moved to Chicago, and into this apartment, in early summer 2011. It did not take us long to learn that the early winter mornings could be things of beauty. This photo was taken on Jan. 6, 2012. (6)


Auld Lang Syne Sunrises
The first of these two photos was taken on New Year's Eve 2016. The second greeted New Year 2017 the next day. (8)



Here Comes The Sun
It's alright. (11)

There Goes The Moon
A crescent moon over the Chicago skyline accented this pastel sunrise. (12)